Wednesday, June 17, 2009


100 % is an absolute. It doesn’t mean some; it doesn’t mean part; it means all. It is very rare that we experience anything that is 100%. The weatherman is right 100% of the time - not! We always make the right parenting decisions - wishful thinking. Our kids always make us proud in public - the parent’s right of passage is to be mortified on occasion. We always say the right thing at the right time - open mouth, insert foot! As Christians, we have the rare privilege to experience an absolute on this earth - Christ died for 100% of our sins, he is faithful to us 100% of the time, and we can believe 100% of His promises to us.
The PCA Capital Campaign has already experienced a 100%. 100% of our faculty and 100% of our Board of Trustees have contributed to the campaign. This makes quite a statement about their confidence and commitment to our school. The goal of the Capital Campaign is that we have 100% participation from our PCA families. First, we need 100% participation in prayer for our school. We need to join together as a family in praying for PCA. Next, we need 100% participation in giving. This means that each family gives whatever the Lord lays on their heart and that 100% of our families contribute.
We want 100% for our school, but most importantly, we want 100% for our most gracious and loving God above!